Tuesday, January 18, 2011

German Homefront WW2 PREZZI!

German Homefront Prezi!

Ok click on the title and it'll take you to my prezi! Thanks :)


  1. I like what you did with the scheme, that the title and that topics points were all parallel-- neat. Keeps a creative organization!

  2. Pretty! Also, I liked how you followed one topic then moved on to another. Also, it was nice how it was summarized at the end.

  3. Awesome hann! I loved all the pretty colors, and your fonts. It's funny how many similarities to the British homefront there were, evacuation, bombing, rationing, wowzers!

  4. Wow Hannah - this is intense! It had a ton of helpful information and it's laid out so it makes sense and flows :)

  5. The Colors are pretty sweet. The arrows pointing to the next topic are cool as well. There was plenty of information and the ending was really nice. It came together really well. good job

  6. Showed a good overview, and gave me a great understanding with all the information included.
