Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bulgaria WHAT!!

Ok so I am kind of confused as to Bulgaria's involvement in Serbia? I mean they pretty agressively attacked Serbia pushing them back to Kosvo ( I think is the name), anyways Serbia was pushed back to a little corner. Even with British and French help they were unable to stop the bulgaria agression. But I as confused as to bulgaria's motives and what was up with their intensity?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Germany's Epic Fail During World War One!

During World War One Germany made a lot of mistakes which caused them in my opinion be and EPIC FAIL during the war. the main topic of my discussion will be based around it's usage of U-boats and unrestricted warfare. Although unrestricted warfare was not permited due to freedom of the seas Germany felt that  there only chance of wining was to open it up again and try to stop the allies from recieving goods from the United States. Although it helped to stop Britain from gainign supplies for about six weeks in the end it resulted in the United States joining the war with the allied powers. Although this is what Germany wanted, so that they could also defeat the US, in the end it came back to bit them in the butt! The United States's support in the war secured the allies in winning the war and Germany's defeat. Their usage of unrestricted warfare not oly caused them to lose the war but also built up hostilities between countries b/c they could not "play by the rules." Germany although their illegal usage of unrestricted warfare allowed them to compete with the British navy, it caused them their ultimate defeat, which is why they were an epic fail!