Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bulgaria WHAT!!

Ok so I am kind of confused as to Bulgaria's involvement in Serbia? I mean they pretty agressively attacked Serbia pushing them back to Kosvo ( I think is the name), anyways Serbia was pushed back to a little corner. Even with British and French help they were unable to stop the bulgaria agression. But I as confused as to bulgaria's motives and what was up with their intensity?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I wondered about this too. (Why does this keep happening?) Anyways, I looked it up, and apparently this is like, leftover aggression from the Balkan Wars. Bulgaria had lost a lot of land to Serbia and Romania during the last Balkan wars, and Germany had promised them this land could be recovered if they joined the Central Powers in the war. Their intensity... I'm not sure, but the conflicts in the Balkans had been going on for a long time and their was a lot of racial dissension, so this could be part of it.
