Sunday, November 14, 2010

Technology: Good or Bad??

For almost the entire time of life technology has been considered improvement and innovation. It always seems countries and individuals are developing and trying to improve themselves! But is it really a good thing. This part of the chapter touches on the Great Depression. Although I think that technology is for the most part a helpful hand in our world there are times I think that it definitely causes some issues. I mean if our country wasn't so pressured to have all the latest gadgets would we be so materialistic? I don't think so!!! If life was simpler and people did not feel the need to spend money regularly do you think much of our history could have been prevented or changed?


  1. Oh man Hannah- very tough questions to answer- but great to think about. This seems more like a Theory of Knowledge question to me- but nonetheless I think you touch on some good points that we can discuss here in HOTA- people are naturally selfish and greedy, and the more that is made available, the more they will want like you said!

  2. I think everyone, to different extents, wants to believe that there are people who are "below" them, and we set out to prove this through a number of ways: racism for people who perhaps do not have money, materialism (quality and quantity)for people who do, education level, etc. I think the technology and gadgets we are consumed with are products of this need to feel superior. Therefore, if it weren't for the gadgets, it would be something else.
