Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cold War Thoughts

Ok so I think it was a combination of factors. I still have a bit of trouble understanding the Cold War, not so much the build up of it but more so its origins. I think a lot of politics played a role, after all the democracy vs communist was the root of the problems but economics I feel like were the fuel that added to the fire. Democracy and Communism have completely different directions. Not only are they separate government forms but they are made for different countries. That to me is where the economics play a large role, because the economy of the countries that the US and USSR were in competition was the deciding factor. Each country could not really fit to either communism or democracy, they were definitely suited to one more. So when a govt form was pushed on them it sometimes failed. That fact to me just pushed the US and USSR to try harder to get their govt to be a success. As the war grew it just became more tense not only for the US and USSR but other countries being "conquered" (Latin America)
Honestly I am still unsure of social causes? So if we can go over that in class that would be helpful (or I'll read more blogs :)) But Overall I think that political and economics were linked to lead to the war.
On another hand I also think WW1 and WW2 played a role. After studying both these wars we can see how WW1 set up WW2 and I thinkthis is the case for the Cold War. From WW1 to the Cold War there was never really a tension-less time. A time to get the World in order and restore tranquiltity. So I think the constant "go, go, go" feel of the past forty-fifty years caused the extreme weapons of the Cold War to be brought about. There is only so much competition and war the World can take before it is ready to do anything to end it. The World was ready to be done with warring after all this time, and nuclear weapons were the answer. Although we have not talked abbot this in class yet, I just thought I'd mention it while it was on my mind. I think in general the continuation of war played a large role into the coming of the Cold War.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Japanese Expansion :)

Japan was aggressive in their military tactics and were committed to invading China. Even after they won Manchuria back they persisted that they still had a right to invade China. Was it more due to their need for expansion or was it revenge against China for turning to the League of Nations for support in regaining Manchuria? Going back to the failure of the League of Nations, was part of its failure the fact that nations could just withdraw at anytime? Japan easily left and then began attacking China with no issues. Also, why was China's preparation for the attacks of Japan so weak? They had the population and resources to attack, yet for so long the Japanese dominated.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Book Review:A silver Lining

Ok so I read the book Hiroshima. Although it was kind of depressing in that it discusses the effects of the atomic bomb dropped in Japan and how certain people dealt with its occurance... I think there was a silver-lining. I am not saying that this is the theme or most important part of the book but I do agree with the point it makes about community. In the beginning the author paints a picture that the community before the bomb was very separate and "look out for yourself". But when the bomb is dropped although DEVASTATING! It shows a shift in how things are laid out. People begin to help each other and come together! It is kind of how all disasters work and in the end like I said a silver-lining.

Technology: Good or Bad??

For almost the entire time of life technology has been considered improvement and innovation. It always seems countries and individuals are developing and trying to improve themselves! But is it really a good thing. This part of the chapter touches on the Great Depression. Although I think that technology is for the most part a helpful hand in our world there are times I think that it definitely causes some issues. I mean if our country wasn't so pressured to have all the latest gadgets would we be so materialistic? I don't think so!!! If life was simpler and people did not feel the need to spend money regularly do you think much of our history could have been prevented or changed?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bulgaria WHAT!!

Ok so I am kind of confused as to Bulgaria's involvement in Serbia? I mean they pretty agressively attacked Serbia pushing them back to Kosvo ( I think is the name), anyways Serbia was pushed back to a little corner. Even with British and French help they were unable to stop the bulgaria agression. But I as confused as to bulgaria's motives and what was up with their intensity?